Welcome To The Ostomy Association Of Melbourne

The objectives of the Association are to help people to cope with life with a stoma, to provide information and encouragement concerning all aspects of stoma care; to distribute free stoma care appliances and pharmaceutical items, approved by the Commonwealth’s Stoma Appliance Scheme.

Who We Are

The Association is a non government self help organisation with a committee of management elected from and by members. The Association employs a General Manager, who has the responsibility for the efficient operation of the Appliance Distribution Centre and fulfilling the purposes of the Association.

The General Manager is assisted by several staff members and approximately 50 voluntary helpers, most of whom have a stoma.


Our Mission

To maximise our contribution to the wellbeing of members by providing the highest level of service through cost effective and innovative management and confidence through an appropriate level of professional care and assistance.

Annual General Meeting

This is generally held in November (Refer to “Important Dates” tab) and provides an opportunity for members to ask questions and learn the general business of the Association.

Stomal Therapy

A telephone advice line manned by a Stomal Therapy Nurse is available  on Tuesdays. Please call Reception to be added to the call list.